
LinkZone is a closed community that enables Pharma Companies and governmental authorities  to connect with doctors and pharmacists for different purposes including education, training and to share latest updates including medical articles, scientific contents as well as responding to doctors’ feedback and inquires. HCPs have access Linkzone from any device (PC, Tablet or mobile phone).

Imagine that your company own a social media platform where you can invite your doctors to join and engage with you securely.


Only invited users can join your community with public registration locked.


Publish any type of contents on the platform including images, videos, polls and more.


Users can interact with your posts and post comments as well.

Reach Your Customer Anytime

Whatever you post on the platform, it will be visible to all target audience, and they will receive notification on e-mail..

Receive Feedback and Inquiries

Receive messages, e-mails from your customers and notification will be sent to you.

Promotes Interaction

You can create posts, share images, videos and create polls; users can comment, like and share.

Cost Efficient

You can subscribe to Linkzone and choose from a wide range of options and add-ons according to your need and expected number of users.

Accessible From Any Device

Users can access Linkzone from any computer, tablet or mobile device.

Enroll Customers In Few Minutes

Users’ accounts could be created, and credentials are sent to them by e-mail or SMS.

I. Inform doctors about Medical Events

II. Share interesting scientific articles with your doctors

III. Share Contents including E-Brochures and videos

IV. Invite doctors for webinars

V. Receive Messages and inquiries from your customer